Hogwarts Legacy: Spooky trailer reveals the contents of the PlayStation-exclusive quest

In der PS-exklsuiven Quest „Heimgesuchtes Geschäft in Hogsmeade“ für Hogwarts Legacy müsst ihr einen gruseligen Laden untersuchen, in dem das Böse auf euch lauert.

A few weeks ago it was revealed that the long-awaited action role-playing game Hogwarts legacy one exclusive PlayStation quest will have. What this quest entails was not mentioned at the time, so fans could only guess what it would be about.

In yesterday State of Play has finally revealed what players can expect in this special and admittedly quite spooky add-on content. There was also an exciting one new trailer to see.

Spooky exclusive quest for PlayStation

Sony revealed some exclusive ones during the recent State of Play PS4 and PS5 content for Avalanche Studios big blockbuster game from the Harry Potter-Universe. In the exclusive PlayStation mission Haunted shop in Hogsmeade players can explore a shop in the wizarding village of Hogsmeade and experience what looks like a sequence from a horror game.

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In the featured quest trailer, a Hogwarts student (probably the main playable character) inquires of the witch Cassandra Mason about a shop for sale in Hogsmeade. Madam Mason makes a very generous offer, but warns to be careful. Her house-elf’s voice then explains that Cassandra has had problems with her previous tenants in the past.

From there, we see the student climb down a secret ladder into the basement of the store transforming gears runs and in the dark on mannequins meets that come to life and want to get at her. Clearly lurking down there something evilas the eerie voice at the end of the trailer makes it easy to see.

Your own shop in Hogwarts Legacy

Of course, such a dangerous task calls for fair compensation. For completing the spooky mission, players receive her very own shopin which they “Items and gear at better prices than anywhere else” can sell, according to the latest entry in PlayStation.Blog.

In addition, there is this cosmetic set “Shopkeeper:in” for everyone who wants to run their new magical shop empire in the right outfit. Unfortunately, this content PlayStation owners only accessible.

“Hogwarts Legacy” will be released on February 10, 2023 for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PC. The release date for the Nintendo Switch will be announced at a later date.

For anyone looking to pre-order the game, we’ve got one here great pre-order guide for you, listing all the bonus content of the different editions for each platform.
