Splinter Cell Remake will have an updated story for today’s audience

Ubisoft hires staff to work on the remake of Splinter Cell, GamersRD

In December of last year, Ubisoft announced that a remake for Splinter Cell was officially in development. Built by Ubisoft Toronto from the ground up with Snowdrop Engine, it will have “next-gen visuals and gameplay” while retaining the “spirit” of the previous games. It will also have an updated script according to a recent list of writers.

The studio noted: “Using the first game from Splinter Cell As our foundation, we are rewriting and updating history for a modern audience.” He wants to “maintain the spirit and themes of the original game while exploring our characters and world to make them more authentic and believable.” The goal is to create a “cohesive and compelling narrative experience” that appeals to “a new audience of fans of Splinter Cell“.

Some aspects of the work include dialogue for in-game VO and cut-scenes, scripted and systemic dialogue such as conversation with NPCs, character arc development, etc. The writer will also be “Reviewing and editing dialogue based on director/lead feedback to ensure quality and consistency.”

As such, updates and rewrites could ensure a better flow for dialogue, as well as being more realistic and relevant to the modern age. Ultimately, time will tell if any story beats are changed or removed altogether, but it wouldn’t be the strangest thing for a remake, as seen with the remakes of Resident Evil 2 Y 3.

the remake from Splinter Cell is in “early stages of development” as of last year, so it may be a while before anything is revealed. Stay tuned in the meantime for any details.
