Cyberpunk 2077 is stepping on the gas again and trumps Witcher 3’s user numbers

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 has catapulted itself back onto the screen and has done so several times. Both the animated series Cyberpunk: Edgerunners as well as “Cyberpunk 2077” itself are currently enjoying great popularity. At the weekend, the number of players even exceeded that of the successful predecessor game The Witcher 3 from CD Project Red.

From 0 to 100 in a few weeks

“Cyberpunk 2077” was considered written off for a long time. No wonder after the disastrous start of the game 2020. But now the problem child from “CD Project Red” is celebrating its comeback. It was properly patched, a lot of content was added and with “Cyberpunk: Edgerunners” there is now even a separate series decoupling.

Already on Friday more than 100,000 players* were recorded who drove it back to Night City.
On Saturday it was even 122,000 and Sunday got loud SteamDB even record-breaking 136,000 cyberpunk gamers detected. The much acclaimed “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” only had around 103,000 players at the time.

This is of course no coincidence. Just like Witcher back then, “Cyberpunk 2077” brought many back into the game, mainly because of its own series. Fans of the series can be happy because with the current “Edgerunner Update 1.6” some elements from the series have been transferred directly into the game.

The future of Cyberpunk 2077

Despite the impressive current figures, one must not forget that, for Release over 1,000,000 players simultaneously followed the release hype. Time will tell whether the current trend will hold up – but at least “CD Project Red” has already announced the first story update for next year with “Phantom Liberty”.

With “Phantom Liberty” the older consoles should also be excluded, which of course is a shame for everyone who still plays on the last generation, but which also opens the door to new graphical and technical possibilities. One can be curious.

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What about with you? Did the second wave of cyberpunk hype catch you off, or did the game die for you?