Lost Ark: New details about the server merges on September 28, 2022

Lost Ark: The Machinist is coming with the September update.

from Karsten Scholz
Community Manager TrevzorFTW has published an extensive post on the upcoming server mergers in the official Lost Ark forum. Spoilers: There’s a new login bonus series with all sorts of upgrade materials.

On September 8, 2022 we had already informed you that that servers will soon be merged in Lost Ark. The technical foundation for the realm merges was laid with the update on September 7, 2022. The mergers are scheduled for September 28, 2022. Since the date is imminent, Community Manager TrevzorFTW im official forum of Lost Ark recently published an extensive post with new details on the server mergers.

This is how the server merges work

At the start of the downtime, all regions will begin maintenance at the same time. Non-merge regions have an estimated four hour downtime to install the new update. However, downtime will be longer in regions where mergers are taking place. Developers currently anticipate downtime for merged regions to last up to 16 hours.

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According to TrevzorFTW, this is due to the amount of information that has to be transferred from one server to another. Amazon teams will be working alongside Smilegate during this time to ensure that any potential issues that may arise are addressed promptly. Each region will go online once their merge and update is complete. The community team will also keep you posted on the progress of the merge on the forums.

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These servers are affected by the merges

Here is the list of European servers that will be affected by the upcoming mergers:

Merges for Western Europe

  • Shadowspire merges into Rethramis
  • Petrania merges into Tortoyk
  • Tragon transitions into Tower of the Moon
  • Home of the rocks merges into Punika
