Nintendo wants to know what Pokémon games you want

Nintendo wants to know what Pokémon games you want

What kind of Pokémon game would you like to see in the future? There are several options, according to a new survey from Nintendo.

The survey was sent to people who have signed up for My Nintendo promotions and newsletters, asking them what they would like.

What is the choice?

As a user on the MysteryDungeon subreddit points out, one question is what kind of Pokémon games would you like to play in the future.

Answer options range from games similar to Pokémon Go to more open-ended adventures, like upcoming titles Pokémon Crimson and Crimson.

More Pokemon news:

It’s also possible to opt for a new installment in an existing spin-off series (like Pokémon Snap), more traditional Pokémon games (Red and Blue), or remakes or remasters of previous titles.

What’s on your wish list for the future of Pokémon? What would you wish for?