Insider says Bungie is secretly working on reviving a 20-year-old shooter alongside Destiny 2

Destiny 2 - 30 years of Bungie - update - times

A hot leak is spreading through the Destiny 2 community. According to this, Bungie is already working on a revival of a very old shooter from their then think tank. You can find out here on MeinMMO which game you might be expecting soon and how Bungie has built it.

What’s the leak? According to and the very reliable leaker “Tom HendersonThis is a revival of a 20 year old shooter called Marathon. The last part of this first-person shooter landed on the then Mac in 1996 with Marathon: Infinity and completed the former trilogy.

However, Tom Henderson now believes that Bungie is currently working on the resurrection of this old game. Except now it’s set to become a 3-player extraction shooter.

The new game is still in the pre-alpha phase

What kind of game can you expect? The leak indicates that it should probably be a PvP-focused shooter. While some PvE elements are said to be present, it’s hard to tell exactly how much as the title is currently in the pre-alpha phase.

Destiny 2 - 30 years of Bungie - update - times
This photo from Destiny 2 already shows armor inspired by Marathon.

The game should be loud however, be “the ultimate example of a living game”. Seasonal progress and rewards should also be a big part of the relaunched title.

If you now compare Destiny 2 with these statements, the loot shooter’s season pass could have been a certain test balloon for other titles in the Destiny universe. Bungie could incorporate its accumulated experience into upcoming titles and even expand it there.

Based on the known information, you are thrown onto a marathon-style map in threes, you may then have to complete a mission or various objectives, bag the loot and then safely disappear from the area again.

Meanwhile, you must be able to assert yourself against computer-controlled monsters and opponents from the marathon lore, as well as other real players, so that your mission does not fail.

What is the setting for marathon? Marathon is set to take place on a former human planet where the colony suddenly disappeared. The other people, the so-called “runners”, then developed highly and turned into cyborgs. Most likely to better survive.

When will the info be official? This is not known yet. Another title from Bungie has already made the rounds on the net. “Matter” was his name and it was supposed to be a sequel to Destiny 2.

However, it is not known whether Matter is now the marathon-style extraction shooter. However, it is clear that, according to Bungie, Destiny 2 will be transformed in 2025 and other franchises will also be launched.

So there’s a good chance that after this reveal, we’ll soon be hearing news from Bungie about exactly what the studio has been preparing behind closed doors for so long.

What do you think of this leak? Do you think Bungie is really working on a new part for Marathon? Let’s find out in the comments!