You want to turn your four-legged friend into a gambler? Touchscreen console for dogs in development

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You rarely read that the hobby of video games should now also be optimized for your own pet. But that is exactly what a company called Joipaw. As a British start-up, this is currently developing a touch screen concept, with which the four-legged friends can interact thanks to their snouts. At the moment we are working on the prototype and suitable games, including about one Smash the mole game. If a task is successfully completed, for example hitting a mole with its snout, the dog receives a treat. Although this idea may seem relatively bizarre to some at first, the mini-games are also intended to help dogs in terms of health. So there should also be a portable one in the package tracker for the dog to recognize unusual body signals at an early stage and pass them on to you physician to pass on. In addition, the playful component is intended to help the dog’s cognitive abilities. The delay in dementia is also cited as a factor.

From heart to dog

Joipaw was founded by Dersim Advar and Marco Jenny. While the idea was once only intended as a way to keep Advar’s dog busy when he needs to spend time alone, health concerns quickly came into play. The co-founder Advar relies on one 2017 published a study that suggested possible cognitive benefits for dogs exposed to touch screen games.

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Axios emphasizes that the project will be advised by Clara Mancini. Specifically, Mancini is a professor of computer-animal interactions at the Open University in the UK.