Pokémon Crimson and Crimson are finally getting more bug fixes today

Pokémon Crimson and Crimson are finally getting more bug fixes today

Pokémon Crimson and Crimson has been plagued by many serious childhood illnesses since its release on November 18th. Poor FPS, NPCs and windmills that stutter and a rich variety of bugs. Now Nintendo has announced a first software update.

How many patches does it take to fix Pokemon?

The good news reached us via Twitter in the early morning hours of December 1st. “A software update for #PokemonScarletViolet (ver. 1.1.0) will be released on 12/1,” writes Nintendo, adding that they take player feedback seriously and continue to work on improvements for the game.

In the patch noteswhich is again quite short, as is typical for Nintendo, reads: “We are aware that players may encounter problems that affect the performance of the games. Our goal is always to provide players with a positive experience with our games, and We apologize for the inconvenience.”

Nintendo summarizes the bugs that have been fixed as follows: “Fixed an issue that caused the music not to play correctly during battles with the Elite Four and the Top Champion on the Victory Path. More were added Fixed selected bugs.” Nintendo also takes player feedback very seriously.

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So, apart from the music bug, we can’t see exactly which bugs and performance issues are being addressed, but it’s good to see that Game Freak is actually addressing it. Some players already had doubts about this themselves and believed that in the worst case the developer simply didn’t lift a finger.

Nintendo adds a small hint that in order to receive Mystery Gifts and use all the features in the online game, the latest data must be downloaded.

However, very few fans are satisfied in the comments section. They take advantage of the moment to complain about the half-finished release from Nintendo and Game Freak and their inability to evolve a Pokemon with a 3D open world. It doesn’t have much to do with reacting to player feedback. Occasionally one stumbles over one or the other hopeful fan.
