Cyberpunk 2077: A GOTY edition is coming next year for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series

Cyberpunk 2077: A GOTY edition is coming next year for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series

If you haven’t bought Cyberpunk 2077 yet, you can wait until 2023, when a GOTY edition will be released that will contain all the free and paid DLCs.

Last-gen consoles will likely be left out

Since the Phantom Liberty expansion will only be available for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series, it can be assumed that the game-of-the-year edition will also be released for these three platforms.

Don’t worry, my eyebrows raised a little too when I first found out about the GOTY edition. After all, CD Projekt Red’s title didn’t exactly give the impression of a “Game of the Year” when it was released. The name isn’t quite as exclusive as it might sound, and to be fair, it must also be said that CD Projekt Red has done a lot to bring Cyberpunk 2077 back to a reasonable level.

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According to Adam Kiciński, this is “the natural way of things”, as the Polish publication Stockwatch put it quoted. “It was the same with The Witcher, which ended up being released as a Game of the Year edition after the two expansions and has been around ever since. The same can be expected in this case as well.”

Next year will see the release of the first and final major expansion, Phantom Liberty, which will immerse you in a whole new district of Night City. After that, the studio is dedicated to a sequel to the cyberpunk adventure.