God of War Ragnarök: Locations of all Yggdrasil Rifts (Solution)

God of War Ragnarök: Alle Yggdrasil-Risse finden und schließen, Fundorte (Guide, Lösung)

As great as it is that in God of War Ragnarok the world ash Yggdrasil has its branches in all nine worlds, so problematic are the accompanying rifts, which uncomfortably connect these worlds together. But fortunately there is Kratos, Atreus and Freyawhich take care of exactly such problems.

Do you find one? Yggdrasil Riftall you have to do is interact with it to either directly get a few rare crafting component or having an unfriendly encounter with creatures from any of the nine worlds first. However, they still drop valuable items after the fight.

And you can put these items to good use, because they can be used to improve the War God’s equipment, giving you better chances against tough bosses such as the war-loving berserkers. It also brings you closer to your wish, the game from Sony Santa Monica Studio 100% complete.

God of War Ragnarök: All Yggdrasil Rifts and Where to Find Them (Solution)

Yggdrasil cracks are comparatively rare, but you can still find them in all four of the game-relevant worlds, i.e. in Midgard, Svartalfheim, Vanaheim and alfheim. However, some of them are well hidden or are so remote that the question of how to reach them can arise.

Thanks to the youtuber Freeman91 but you don’t have to worry about it any more, because he has published a video for each world on his channel and shows you there exactly where the Yggdrasil Rifts are locatedhow to reach them and what to expect if Kratos tries to close them.

Be warned, behind many a crack hide themselves deadly creatures, for which you need good equipment, strong weapons and a dexterous hand. Also, not all Yggdrasil Rifts can be accessed from the start, some require you to do so in the storyline a certain point achieved.

All Yggdrasil Rifts in Midgard

In Atreus’ homeland, thanks to the Fimbulwinters meanwhile a rather inhospitable place, there are a total of 3 Yggdrasil Fissures. In order to be able to reach them all, you have to be a little further in the campaign, so it is best to visit the world just before the end of the storyline and there should be no more obstacles in your way.

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All Yggdrasil Rifts in Vanaheim

If you’re trudging through the jungle of Vanaheim with Freya anyway, you can of course do the same 4 Yggdrasil Fissures search, which can be found here. In this world, too, you must first reach a certain point in the plot of God of War Ragnarok achieved before gaining access to all locations.

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All Yggdrasil Rifts in Alfheim

In the world of the elves, where there is still a cruel war between light and darkness, there is only 1 Yggdrasil Fissure. In order to be able to reach it, you need access to the forbidden desertwhich is only possible a little later in the story, so if in doubt you need a little patience.

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All Yggdrasil Rifts in Svartalfheim

The vast world of Svartalfheim has a particularly high number of collectables, chests and other things that you need for a 100% completion. You can find it here as well 7 Yggdrasil Riftssome of which can only be reached with the appropriate equipment.

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