Elden Ring: All PvP coliseums and how to find them

Elden Ring: All PvP coliseums and how to find them

In Elden ring can you since Patch 1.08 compete against each other in the PvP coliseum in an orderly manner. Three arenas open their doors: one in Limgrave, one in Caelid and one in Leyndell. There you can compete against each other in a total of three multiplayer PvP modes.

Elden Ring: The New PvP Arenas

That’s what it’s about: There have been big battle arenas in Elden Ring for a long time. Until recently, however, they were still closed. But now you can compete against other players in it according to all the rules of the art.

You have the following three arenas to disposal. In two arenas you can also choose from different modes, in a coliseum only the duel is available.

  • Leyndell: Here there are only 1v1 duels without respawns.
  • Limgrave: Here you can choose between Battle Tribunal and Battle modes.
  • Caelid: There are all three battle modes in this coliseum, with ghost ashing.

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These are the modes: You have the choice between three or six PvP modes in the Coliseum arenas, if we want to count the choice of whether with or without ghost ashes.

  • duel: 1v1 fights to the death. There are no respawns, whoever survives wins.
  • fight tribunal: Free for All for up to six people, with respawns. Lasts 300 seconds and the person with the most points wins.
  • battle: In a way, Team Deathmatch, otherwise works like the Battle Tribunal, only with two larger teams.

Here you can find the arenas in Elden Ring

The Colosseum at Limgrave might be the easiest to get to. You can get there right from the start, and you’ll find it north of the Warmaster’s hut.

The monumental building is hard to miss. Open the big doors, defeat Recusant Henricus and you’re good to go.

The Coliseum Arena in Caelid can be reached via the elevator in the north-east of the place of mercy called the banks of Siofra. From the Place of Mercy Deep Well of Siofra, head west to reach the arena:

If you see the big pot, you are correct. Again, you can simply open the gates and don’t have to complete a quest or anything like that.

The Royal Coliseum in the capital Leyndell can be found on the Altus Plateau. You can access it from the Western Capital Wall Ganade location if you head south from there.

Under the big root, you can see the huge arena from afar. But watch out for the two Gravekeeper Duelists if you haven’t already dealt with them.

You can also start the PvP battles from the Round Table Keep

Have you unlocked the individual Colosseum arenas oncethere is also the possibility to start the fights from the comfort of your own home.

At the entrance to the Round Table Festival you can find one now Marika statue, which serves exactly this purpose. Enable them, select the appropriate option and matchmaking should start.

How are you enjoying the PvP battles in the Elden Ring coliseum arenas? Tell us in the comments.
