Pokémon Go: Community Day December 2022 – all steps & rewards

Pokémon Go: Community Day December 2022 - all steps & rewards

Coach, wrap up warm and hold on 17 and 18 December 2022 between 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m free, because then the Pokémon Go Community Day will take place in December 2022, and you know how it is with the event at the end of the year: As part of this, all Pokémon from the past Community Days appear! This time it’s the pocket monsters from 2021 and 2022, and you can imagine what a shiny celebration that must be. Which bonuses are active, which mon spawn, which exclusive attacks learn their evolutions and what kind of research is available, you can find out in more detail below!

Community Day in December 2022 – all bonuses

The community takes place on Saturday, December 17, 2022 between 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. and on Sunday, December 18, 2022 between 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. The following bonuses are active at the times mentioned:

  • Double Catch EXP
  • Double Catch Stardust
  • Hatch distance halved when eggs are placed in egg incubators during the event
  • Double Catch Candy
  • Double the chance of XL Candy when catching Pokémon for Trainers level 31 and above
  • Lure Modules activated during the event will last for three hours.
  • Smokes activated during the event (other than the Daily Adventure Smoke) will last for three hours.

In addition, the following bonuses will be activated between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.: An additional special trade is possible (i.e. two per day) and during the event trading Pokémon costs 50 percent less stardust.

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Community Day in December 2022 – all Pokemon

The spawns of the Pokémon are divided into two days.

  • On Saturday, December 17, 2022, during the event period, Sandan, Alolan Sandan, Alolan Smallstone, Hopspout, Seamops, and Velursi will appear, as well as the three Classic Community Day Pokémon Bulbasaur, Dratini, and Hydropi, all of which you can be lucky enough to have as Shiny can catch
  • On Sunday, December 18, 2022, Teddiursa, Galarian Zigzachs, Staralili, Kiesling, Lichtel and Kapuno will appear during the event period, as well as the three Classic Community Day Pokémon Bulbasaur, Dratini and Hydropi, all of which you can of course catch as Shiny with luck .

In addition, Machollo, Evoli, Roselia, Wablu, Zwirllicht, Sheinux, Kaumalat, Serpifeu, Floink and Ottaro appear in the Tier 1 raids, which you can catch as Shiny with luck. Also, during the event period, 2km Eggs will hatch into Machollo, Eevee, Wablu, Dusk, Sheinux, Bud, Kaumalat, Serpifeu, Floink, Ottaro, and Dartiri – logo, also with a Shiny chance.

If the following Pokémon (excluding Ursaluna) are evolved between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. local time on Saturday, December 17, 2022 or Sunday, December 18, 2022, they will learn the following moves:

  • Bisaflor: Evolve Bisaknosp (the evolution of Bulbasaur) during the event so your Venusaur will learn the Charged Attack Flora Statue.
  • Sandamer: Evolve Sandan during the event so your Sandamer can learn the Charged Attack Night Slash.
  • Alola Sandamer: Evolve Alolan Sandan during the event so your Alolan Sandamer will learn the Dark Claw fast attack.
  • Alolan Geowaz: Evolve Alolan Georok (the evolution of Alolan Smallstone) during the event so your Alolan Geowaz learns the Waltz fast attack.
  • Dragonite: Evolve Dragonair (the evolution of Dratini) during the event so your Dragonite will learn the Draco Meteor Charged Attack.
  • Papungha: Evolve Hubelupf (the evolution of Hopprong) during the event to help your Papungha learn the Acrobatic Charged Attack.
  • Sumpex: Evolve Moorabbel (Hydropi’s evolution) during the event so your Sumpex will learn the Aqua Cannon Charged Attack.
  • Walraisa: Evolve Seajong (the evolution of Seamops) during the event so your Walraisa will learn Powder Snow’s Fast Attack and Ice Spear’s Charged Attack.
  • Staraptor: Evolve Staravia (the evolution of Staralili) during the event so that your Staraptor will learn the instant attack Gust of Wind.
  • Brockoloss: Evolve Sedimantur (the evolution of Gravelling) during the event so your Brockoloss will learn the Charged Attack Meteor Beam.
  • skeleton: Evolve Laternecto (Lightel’s evolution) during the event so your Skelabra can learn the Charged Attack Poltergeist.
  • tricephalo: Evolve Duodino (the evolution of Kapuno) during the event so your Hydreigon will learn the Charged Attack Spinner.
  • costume: Evolve Velursi during the event for your Kosturso to learn the Charged Attack Drain Slash.
  • barricadex: Evolve Galarian Geradaks (the evolution of Galarian Zigzachs) during the event so that your Barrikadax will learn the Charged Attack Blocker.
  • Ursaluna: Evolve Ursaring (Teddiursa’s evolution) while the full moon is visible to have your Ursaluna learn the Charged Attack Horsepower. The full moon will be in the sky on December 17 at 2:00 p.m. to December 18, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. and on December 18 at 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
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