Understanding the doctors’ handwriting seemed almost impossible. Until Google Lens arrived

Tennis in Santa Marta is much more than tennis: technology and sport to improve the condition of people with disabilities

Doctors have always had a reputation for writing fatally, and although it is true that technology in clinics and hospitals has alleviated the problem, the truth is that decipher that writing it was quite a challenge for most of the patients. That, they say in Google, is about to end.

an old problem. Although some describe that more as a myth than a reality, the truth is that the problem seemed to exist: Time magazine cited in 2007 a study according to which “erratic handwriting by doctors kills more than 7,000 people a year [En EEUU]”.

rush. The data point because that bad handwriting was due to the fact that in medical schools students had to take notes at such a speed that they were forced to write very quickly. The same thing apparently happened once the doctors began to practice: the care burden did not make things easier for the doctors.

Tennis in Santa Marta is much more than tennis: technology and sport to improve the condition of people with disabilities

Facebook groups to the rescue. Technology has tried to solve the problem in the past without success, but so have unique initiatives. For example, the one from the Facebook group whose members were pharmacists capable of deciphering prescriptions that were unintelligible to ordinary mortals.

Google Lens is capable. Or so they say on Google. Its managers they offered a talk as part of an event of The Economic Times in India, and there they explained how thanks to Google Lens They are capable to decipher the complex handwriting of doctors.

Take a photo and you’re done. The option that will be part of Google Lens will allow users to take a photo of the recipe or upload one from their photo gallery. Once the image is processed, the application will detect and highlight the medicines that are mentioned in that note.

But beware. Although this technology will assist users, Google explains that “decisions will not be made based solely on the result provided by this technology.” In other words, it is a good idea to review those results. Google did not indicate when it would launch this feature, but noted that India is the country with the highest number of Google Lens users worldwide.

Picture: Nadia_Pls
