Elden Ring: Time for a Rebirth – Locations of all 18 Larvae Tears

Elden Ring: Locations of all 18 Larvae Tears (Guide, solution)

The mystical larval tears in Elden ring are among the most important items in the entire game, after all you can use them to rebirth cause, whereby you can redistribute all your values. Perfect to little ones Character development glitches iron out or even go in completely new directions.

Elden Ring: All 18 Larvae Tears and Where to Find Them (Locations)

The bad news first: You cannot farm larva tears. There is no enemy type that consistently drops these items, and no locations where they appear repeatedly. In fact, throughout The Elden Ring you will find a maximum of 18 such itemswhich is more than enough to make you change your mind several times.

If the topic is a bit overwhelming for you or you are not quite sure how the thing with reincarnation really works, please have a look at our separate guide Attribute Rebalancing in Elden Ring, all about Scaling, Respec & Rebirth. If you know what to do, all you have to do is collect the necessary larvae tears.

© From Software/Bandai Namco

All Larval Tears in Limgrave (1)

  • From the place of grace South side of Lake Agheel head east where you can meet a wandering nobleman with a sword by a cliff. Alternatively, you can reach this opponent on the road north of the Bridge of Sacrifice. This enemy can transform into a Rune Bear, but will also drop a Larva Tear in return.
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All Larval Tears in Liurnia (4)

  • You are looking for a pavilion northwest of the shrimp cooker shack respectively south of the place of grace Plunging Ruins of Lakeland. Here you can see four giant lobsters, but only one of them is moving. Kill this one and he will turn into one transplanted scion. Kill him again and he’ll drop the tear.
  • The second tear in Liurnia can be found on the Cemetery in the village of the Albinaurics. You can reach this place if you lake in the southwest travels southwest from Liurnia. The tear lies in the graveyard itself.
  • The third larval tear can only be found when you get the painting resurrection in the Artist’s hut in Liurnia. Do you still have them? Royal Knight Loretta defeated in the Caria Mansion, enter the graveyard behind the house and interact with the phantom in the chair.
  • Go to the place Three sisters, above House Caria, in the northwest of Liurnia. searches along the eastern cliff after a scarab, drop onto the roof of the mansion there and use the Wooden platform on the west sideto go further down. Now it’s up the stairs that lead through a hole in the roof, where you go twice Pidia speak, who finally sells you the larva tears.
Elden Ring: Locations of all 18 Larvae Tears (Guide, solution)
© From Software/Bandai Namco

All Larval Tears in Caelid (1)

  • Search the cliffs south of Place of Mercy Caelid South High Road after the spot with the coffins. Defeat him here Wandering nobles with sword and he will turn into a troll. Do that too and the next tear in Elden ring is yours.
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All Larval Tears on Altus Plateau (2)

  • travels from Forest Folk Ruins from to the east or from windmill village head south and you’ll come to a couple of ruins that aren’t further titled on the map. Kill the undead crouching in the corner here and he will turn into a lion guard transform. Do this too and you’ll still have a tear in your sack.
  • Find the area gelmir up and go to the place of grace road of sinwhich is located in the area north of house volcano located. East of it you will find a large wormface that she leaves behind for you.

All Larvae Tears in Siofra (1)

  • You must have the area Siofra River reach, for which you use the fountain east of the low earth tree in the cloud forest. Then go to that Northwest Elevatorgo up and finally go east until you climbed the wooden structure and the Path behind the waterfall have followed. There you will find a merchant who will sell you the tear.

All Larvae Tears in Nokron, the Eternal City (8)

  • From the first place of grace from there it goes east/southeast, where you enter a courtyard. Go into the building on the right and you’ll find it again.
  • Follow the regular path from the first Place of Grace and you’ll encounter the boss Mimic Tear. There is one just before that small pavilion and in this lies a corpse from which you can remove the larvae.
  • You’ll get it right away two new tearsif you can defeat the aforementioned boss Mimic Tear.
  • From the place of grace Holy place of the night from it goes north. Climb the stairs on the right and follow their course to the big iron ball, which you also immediately destroy. The object you are looking for falls out and you can be happy.
  • Equals three more larval tears you will find when you are in Nokstella, the Eternal City look around properly. Destroy the orb on the bridge, the orb by the open building, and the orb in the building on the left to get one of the items you’re looking for.
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All Larvae Tears in Sacred Snowfield (1)

  • Once you’ve done this optional area in “Elden Ring” to reach it, you go to the place of grace Inner Hallowed Snowfield. Southeast of it or northwest of it Sacred Snowfield Catacombs, there is a group of wandering eagles, one of which appears to be stuck in the ground. This opponent turns into a rune bear and in turn drops the tear.
