Pokémon Go: Research breakthrough February 2023 – last chances for Kapuno & Co.

Pokémon Go: Finally all trainers get the inventory grid (1)

February 1, 2023 update: As was already clarified with the Pokémon Go research breakthrough in December 2022, the previous Pokémon Kapuno, Kindwurm, Galar Mime, Viscora, Botogel and Coiffwaff will remain in the research breakthrough in February 2023. Unfortunately, of course, you can’t choose which Pokemon you get when you open the reward box, but we’re keeping our fingers crossed that it’s a cool one 😀 You still have the encounter reward for the breakthrough until March 1, 2023 at 9:59 p.m received, after that the people of Niantic will change the reward again.

Original message from December 29, 2022: Pokémon Go is indulging in the Research Breakthrough in December 2022, so much so that you definitely shouldn’t miss out on the reward box! Once upon picking up the reward box for the Research breakthrough in December 2022, January 2023 and February 2023 (!) in Pokémon Go the chance of encountering six pocket monsters, and these aren’t Lame-types like Nidoran or Flegmon, but some real crackers.

When you open the box, you may encounter either Galar Mime, Coiffwaff, Kidworm, Kapuno, Viscora, or Botogel. Of course, you can develop Childworm into Brutalanda, Kapuno is exceptionally rare to find in the wild anyway, and Galar Mime has so far been hard to come by. And then there’s Coiffwaff, a pocket monster that’s otherwise only unpacked at events. And the cute Viscora and the cuddly Botogel… well, maybe those are the two lacklusters in the package. But beware, it gets even better.

Pokémon Go Research Breakthrough December 2022…

… and the research breakthrough in January 2023 and February 2023 … There is another good reason why the trainers among you should not miss any of the reward boxes, because without exception all of the Pokémon can appear as Shiny in front of your Poké Ball!
