Destiny 2: A class in Lightfall should become a giant spider that spits eggs and throws babies

Destiny 2: A class in Lightfall should become a giant spider that spits eggs and throws babies

For Destiny 2, the loot shooter’s newest ability, Strang, is by far the most important feature of the Lightfall expansion. As of yesterday, the Guardians officially know what will soon captivate them. However, MeinMMO has wormed some more inside information out of the developers and learned some creepy things about the strand warlock.

Which interview is it? In a personal Q&A interview with Bungie developers Kevin Yanes and Eric Smith, our Destiny authors wanted to learn more about the origins of the new “Strand” subclass.

Strang, like every subclass in Destiny 2, has an immediately recognizable “Destiny Interpretation”. It’s a part of Bungie’s design language that runs through everything. Kevin Yanes, Design Lead at Bungie, told us in person that this “fateful display of power is something that is also unique to [Destiny 2] how strand is”.

The strand warlock has subordinates who follow his will and hang out with him.

Warlocks will have their own army: Strang is something to make you feel like Spiderman while playing in Neomuna. It’s about “weaving” objects yourself rather than spawning or summoning them.

Also, the new subclass, Strang, brings tricks that will definitely change the way all Guardians view movement and combat tactics. But the Warlock in particular is a grandmaster of the strand, working a lot with his head and he has more to do with the new “threads” than the other classes.

  • The warlock can create sentient creatures from the threads that run through reality.
  • As “sprout weavers”, these “threads” then move as his small mini-army and attack enemies, causing them to explode.
  • He can also create eggs that will hatch more worms. All ready threads are turned into extra eggs.

The flying magicians thus become the “Minion Master” in Lightfall. You have subordinates who follow your will. They also love their master and will come back to hang out with you until the next enemy attacks.

The Strang trailer for Lightfall showcases how all three Warden classes can use Strang and its deadly effects. It offers an action-packed overview of what’s to come:

Destiny 2 shows new insights into Strang – The Focus in Lightfall in its trailer

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Moment? Sentient Creatures? Threads from which I spin creatures? A warlock that lays eggs? That doesn’t sound like futuristic science fiction at all, but more like a creepy horror film that you don’t watch but play in Lightfall yourself.

In fact, there are actually some details in this description of the first warlock draft that was discarded. Originally, the class with strand was going to be completely different, as Bungie told us.

Crazy Warlock Idea was just too scary

Eric Smith guessed that the initial Warlock idea was pretty crazy. You certainly wouldn’t have crossed paths with this class in the dark.

“The [Super] should [den Warlock] originally transformed into a giant spider that ejects spider eggs and lets baby spiders run around instead of weaving threads. To turn the Warlock from a two-legged creature to an eight-legged creature, we had to build the skeleton and the model and everything. Unfortunately, that went beyond the scope.”

Kevin Yanes then perfects our new Warlock Scarephobia by describing the supers of the first class idea:

“[…] I think one of my favorites was [der] Prototype of the early Warlock Super that allowed you to spawn these threads in mid-air. They struck a pose, slowly flew towards you, and then shot maggot eggs at you. So you only had these three [Objekte]who vomited thread eggs on you. It was hilarious but also terrifying.”

This is how the strand threads in Lightfall unstoppably smell towards every enemy

In the current version, however, the Warlock Super was not implemented in this way. In Lightfall, when players draw their Warlock’s ult, a “needlestorm” is created, which deals a deadly combination of volley and splash damage.

The warlock turns strand matter into a volley of hard spikes and hurls them forward with a flick of the wrist. These projectiles get stuck in both enemies and the environment before exploding and becoming an army of threaders pursuing any survivors.

So there’s still a bit of the creepy giant spider in the Warlock after all. But Bungie seems to have had a pretty big soft spot for spiders for a long time, as you can see from this Sparrow.

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That’s why nothing came of the idea: Arachnophobia, the specific fear of eight-legged arachnids, was already a big issue with the Spider Sparrow. In the end, this also had to be taken into account when developing the strand warlock. The idea of ​​an eight-armed Warlock spider was therefore scrapped and reverted to a more traditional form.

Players will tie down and immobilize enemies with Strand

Did you have any other crazy ability ideas for Strang during development that ended up being scrapped?

“[Ja], for example, the Titan once had a whip, and that was super cool. But of course, you know, the overlap with the Hunter’s Stringwalker Super wasn’t something to pursue,” Kevin Yanes later revealed.

All in all, the Guardians will get many new, unique abilities in their arsenal with the new subclass, even without the creepy giant spider and whip. In the final version of the three strand classes there is so much that the guardians will face new, movement-related challenges, above all, with the many new moves.

What do you think of the Warlock giant spider? Gruesome? Would you have thought the warlock was cool with that? Or are you quite happy that there aren’t eight arms breaking out of you in Lightfall? Feel free to write us in the comments what your crazy strand idea would have looked like for one of the three classes.

You can read more about Strang from our interview with Bungie here:

Bungie explains how you will unlock strand in Destiny 2: Lightfall – Supposed to be easier than in Beyond Light