Pokémon GO now has 3 new quests that bring lots of Stardust – but don’t redeem them yet!

Pokémon GO now has 3 new quests that bring lots of Stardust - but don't redeem them yet!

In Pokémon GO you can earn Stardust with the right quests right now. But it’s worth saving up for.

Here’s what’s going on in Pokémon GO: The Valentine’s Day event has started in Pokémon GO. This brings some interesting features, such as:

In addition, new raid bosses, changed spawns and fresh field research come into play. And they are hiding 3 Pokémon that bring you extra Stardust. You can take advantage of that.

3 Quest Pokemon give extra Stardust – But you can get more

These are the 3 quests: In the Pokémon GO subreddit, user “Pendergilr4” (via reddit) indicates that the following quest monsters are currently available in the event:

  • Wadribie is available in the quest “Open 5 Presents”. This brings 750 Stardust per catch.
  • Bubungus can also be found in the quest “Open 5 Presents”. It brings 500 Stardust per catch.
  • Ohrdoch is in the quest: “Spin 10 PokéStops or Gyms”. Ohrdoch gives 2,100 Stardust per catch.

Danger: The quest with the 10 PokéStops and Gyms can also hide Chansey or Mamolida, so Ohr is only a 1/3 chance. Meanwhile, Bubungus and Wadribie are the only options from their quest.

How to get a lot of Stardust out: Once you’ve solved the quest, don’t catch the Pokemon from the reward encounter. Instead, escape from the capture screen without catching the monster.

This is how you save the encounter for later. You can save up to 100 encounters from field research (via Twitter) and pick it up at a later date.

Now it’s worth waiting with the Stardust Pokémon until the next Stardust bonus. But that will already happen on Tuesday, February 14th at 6:00 p.m. during the limelight hour with Fleknoil.

There’s double the amount of stardust. If you now ignite a star piece in time, there is even more stardust for each catch. Now it really pays off to capture the collected encounters.


  • Now collect the 3 researches as often as possible – at stops and arenas
  • Complete to get the encounter
  • Escape from the encounter and save
  • Wait until February 14 for spotlight hour
  • Use double dust bonus
  • Use star piece item if needed

In addition to the Valentine’s Day event, there are plenty of other events coming up this month, such as the Hoenn Tour. You can find a detailed overview here: All events in February 2023 from Pokémon GO.
