PvP pros were to blame for removing skill matchmaking in Destiny 2 – now it’s coming back, but not everywhere

destiny 2 control

PvP is finally happening in Destiny 2 as the new TWaB lets Guardians know what the future of the Crucible will be like in Season 18. Finally skill-based matchmaking, SBMM for short, is making a comeback, but not everywhere.

What is criticized in PvP? Skill matchmaking no longer exists in Destiny 2. Not for every mode, to be exact. Competitive playlists enjoy this addition, but many pro PvP players complained about the constant SBMM. They don’t always want to be matched with their own kind and finally want to play rounds in which they can easily win without much effort.

Bungie fulfilled her wish and triggered a whole avalanche of discussions and resentment in the community. The matchmaking supported bad players and offered them a fair match, but after the removal subsequent matches became more and more unbalanced.

PvP has since become a chaotic hodgepodge of hoping to get a good round without getting knocked out or winning hands down.

As Bungie has now announced in the “This Week at Bungie” blog, they finally want to change this situation. Season 18 is supposed to bring back matchmaking, but only in one mode for now.

The SBMM comes back, but only in one mode – control

What will change for PvP in Season 18? Destiny 2’s new TWaB talks about a modified form of the SBMM. In Seaosn 18, this matchmaking will only find its place in Control mode for now.

destiny 2 control
PvP hasn’t been the same for a long time

The algorithm is changed and adjusted weekly to create the perfect system designed to ensure solid fairness. Bungie has recorded and analyzed the current conditions of the current Crucible.

In these analyses, it was found that matches ended early because opposing teams had no chance to counteract the imbalance.

Bungie wants to prevent that, they want to ensure that the majority of PvP rounds are won by either the point or time limit. The SBMM system is designed to help you with this problem. The goal is to offer all players, including New Light players, matches where they are and remain competitive.

Will there be more changes? Unfortunately not. No changes are planned for other Crucible modes, Glory or Trials playlists. For now, Bungie is focusing on developing a balanced matchmaking system. Only the control mode is used as a test area.

It’s conceivable that once Bungie has developed an appropriate algorithm that works well, they will also transfer this to all other existing PvP modes.

However, the development team also knows the problems of teams of 6 in the crucible and how they dominate many matches due to imbalance. Bungie would like to observe this more closely and possibly introduce a special task force matchmaking in Season 19. More details will follow in the near future.

What do you think of the upcoming changes for PvP in Destiny 2? Do you think this is a step in the right direction or does it not bring you anything and you would rather have new maps?
