How many players does Fortnite 2022 have? Website wants to know player numbers

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Fortnite was the talk of gaming in 2017. A simple battle royale shooter with crazy weapons and full of colorful llamas. But what about 2022? Could Epic Games Still Keep Its Player Counts? A website wants to know the answer.

How popular is Fortnite 2022? Epic Games itself only rarely and sporadically deals with its player numbers publicly. But when Fortnite was still in its boom, the development team didn’t hesitate and spread its broken player count records all over Twitter. Now that the Battle Royale shooter is four years old and the records to be broken have shot up to almost unattainable heights, no one knows exactly how many players are actively involved.

A website called “‘ should help shed some light. This third-party site can access the approximate number of users in real time and show how many are actually actively playing Fortnite. A quick click reveals that a total of 3,002,531 players are up to mischief in the BR shooter.

Danger: Note that this is not official data from Epic. The third-party providers refer to their technology as “Gohost Network Protocol Technology” or GNP for short. It enables them to access the data. However, no one knows how it works or whether it is legal. So take this information with care.

Fortnite still has a significant amount of users

After so many years, what makes Fortnite still so exciting? The BR shooter definitely knows how to keep its players. Live events, concerts, the constant change of weapon meta, as well as changes on the big season map lure fans to stay tuned.

Fortnite Chapter2 Season7 Live Event03
Crazy live events that every player can join

But the crazy collaborations with Marvel, Rick & Morty or even Among Us continue to fuel the excitement. Fans never know what Epic Games is planning as the next big “thing” and so they are always surprised and drawn into the game.

Fortnite can go on for years to come: What Epic has created here is a huge portal full of endless possibilities. The development team can turn any imaginable character from cartoon series or the real world into a skin, thus attracting fans of other games and genres to the shooter.

Curious events or constant adjustments, such as the introduction of the “No Build” mode, ensure that the range of entertainment options that the players are offered is always up to date.

If you haven’t tried Fortnite yet because building has put you off, you can now get started with a clear conscience. The BR shooter is still free.

What do you think of the fact that Fortnite is still able to track a relatively large number of players? Does it surprise you or did you fully expect it? Let’s find out in the comments!