Lord of Rigel new on Steam: Greetings from Master of Orion

Lord of Rigel new on Steam: Greetings from Master of Orion

from Michael Miskulin
The new title Lord of Rigel offers classic 4X space strategy in the style of Master of Orion in a slightly more modern guise. But the classic pillars of turn-based gameplay are all there: scout, expand, exploit, and obliterate.

No, Lord of Rigel is not a new candy bar from the Lord of the Rings universe, but rather a galactic 4X space strategy sim. It’s also pretty much fantasy here, after all, the galaxy in the game is inhabited by numerous different alien races. This is not the only way the game from Rhombus Studios is reminiscent of the venerable Master of Orion from 1993.

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Lord of Rigel: Classic 4X space strategy with lots of aliens

Available in Steam Early Access since October 4th, Lord of Rigel allows players to build their own space civilization, explore the entire galaxy, conquer enemy aliens and exploit planets’ resources. There are ten different species to choose from – from the feline Katraxi to the mysterious insectoid Aranaid and Ornithon. So it’s up to the player whether he wants to diplomatically unite the galaxy under one banner or whether he leads one calculated war of aggression after the next to subjugate the peoples. Espionage is also possible. The journey begins on your own home planet. Here you first build barracks, farms or shipyards in a classic turn-based manner and research the necessary technologies for the journey into space.

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The developers always promise new stories and challenges during a playthrough, which results from a combination of procedural generation and intelligent AI factions. In Lord of Rigel, a centuries-old conflict simmers between the two ancient races who vie for control of the galaxy. It is precisely these emerging stories that should tie the player to this 4X title for hours. We are still excited.

Source: Steam
