Twitch streamer freaks out about MW2 – “Who will spend 80 euros on it?”

Twitch streamer Elotrix next to the MW2 logo and two angry soldiers

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Of: Josh Grossman

Elotrix is ​​doing it again. His next freak in Modern Warfare 2 goes viral and fans are defending the new Call of Duty.

Hamburg – With the release of Modern Warfare 2, Elotrix swung into the multiplayer of Activision’s new AAA shooter. The Twitch streamer got his start with Call of Duty and is one of the best-known CoD players in Germany. His next freak in MW2 goes viral, and while Elotrix says he’s “not having fun,” fans love the new shooter.

Surname Carsten
Known as ELoTRiX
birthday January 04, 1992
Subscribers on YouTube 1,270,000 (as of November 2022)
Subscribers on Twitch 1,500,000 (as of November 2022)

Elotrix: Next freak in MW2 – “Who spends 80 euros on this?”

What happened? With the release of Modern Warfare 2, many fans are sure: This Call of Duty has it all again. However, Elotrix thinks differently and goes viral with his freaks out about the new shooter on TikTok. In a new clip, the Twitch streamer gets loud and can’t believe someone spent money on Modern Warfare 2.

“It’s no fun. Brother, who spends 80 euros on it and plays it all day? What lost souls? Who?”

Elotrix’s MW2 release freak made huge waves on social networks and his new criticism is also being heard. In the comments on TikTok, there are a number of CoD fans who defend the game and accuse the streamer from Hamburg of being “too old” to be able to keep up in MW2. Others suspect a “skill issue” with Elotrix and praise MW2 for being extremely fun. We have included the TikTok clip for you here.

Paid 110 euros and it bucks permanently 😂”, writes a fan and gets encouragement from other commenters. Although some are bothered by campers and the low TTK, it would definitely be wrong to describe the reactions to MW2 as negative. But how seriously does Elotrix mean his freak out?

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Elotrix: Freaks in MW2 only played? This is how much time the streamer spends in the game

This is how much time Elotrix spends in MW2: A look at the numbers shows that Elotrix has streamed Modern Warfare 2 for almost 24 hours in the last seven days (as of November 2, 2022). With a stream time of 43 hours, the new CoD takes up more than half of its twitch time.

Twitch streamer Elotrix next to the MW2 logo and two angry soldiers
ELoTRiX: Twitch streamer freaks out about MW2 – “Who spends 80 euros on it?” © Instagram: Elotrix/Activision (Montage)

Snap out included: Even in his early days on YouTube, Elotrix was known for his extravagant freaks. In games like the Soulsborne series and God Of War, the streamer also shows that you don’t necessarily have to be playing CoD to go all out. On Twitch, the streamer repeatedly reports that he also enjoys Modern Warfare 2 at times, but often only the rage clips go viral. So it should be clear that Elotrix is ​​putting on a show here rather than making the game look really bad.