Animal Crossing villagers will grill you if you have roaches in your home


Imagine this: after months of work building a beautiful island paradise, the resident representative of your community disappears. His house is empty. No one is building infrastructure anymore. You and your neighbors must fend for yourself.

Then all of a sudden one night, their lights come on! Your friend and neighbor is home again! You rush to greet them, knock on their door, and they welcome you inside, only to find … ugh! The house of the resident representative of your city is full of cockroaches.

That’s the scene that greeted many players returning from long hiatuses to Animal Crossing in its latest 2.0 update which, among many other new features, allows other villagers to visit your home while you’re inside.

You really can’t stop them from doing this; if you’re inside long enough, they’ll just knock and let you in. Honestly, it’s a pretty cute interaction, as under normal circumstances they will complement your furniture and offer you a gift as a thank you for letting them visit.

Credit: Nintendo

Credit: Nintendo

But an unfortunate combination of circumstances has caused many of these visits to be cut short by the presence of serious errors. You see, a lot of people were shocked when update 2.0 was released two days earlier, unexpectedly dropping last night. Since many players hadn’t played the game in months, when they first registered, their home was infested with roaches. Normally that’s not a problem as you can run from room to room and squash them so your home is roach free in a few minutes.

However, with the new update, many players are making villagers go through seconds to enter their houses to unheard them, before they can get rid of all the insects. Many may not even be waiting for visitors as this is a new feature and it stands to reason that not everyone has looked at all the details of what the new update included.

Regardless, it turns out that no one is happy to come across a cockroach. If you really want to avoid this interaction, the best thing to do is clean the house. before downloading the new update. But if you’ve already downloaded it, you’ll just have to hurry up and stomp on those roaches as quickly as possible before anyone sees how absolute your home is.

The Animal Crossing 2.0 update is huge, so if you need help with everything that needs to be done, we have guides on how to download the update in the first place, how to unlock Brewster and The Roost, and much more in our comprehensive Wiki guide. .

Rebekah Valentine is a news reporter for IGN. You can find her on Twitter @Patovalentino.
