Fall Guys celebrates great success: 50 million players in two weeks

Fall Guys celebrates great success: 50 million players in two weeks

The hopping game Fall Guys is experiencing something of a second spring. After the developers of Mediatonic were bought by Epic Games, they decided to turn the title into a Free 2 play game to convert This brought the servers to their knees right from the start. Since then, many players have started playing the game again or are new to it. Twitter shows how successful the “reboot” really was for Fall Guys.

Fall Guys hits 50 million players in two weeks

The developers announced this good news on the official twitter account and thank their fans. One reason for this is certainly the fact that the title is now available for free on all major platforms. However, the platformer disappeared from the Steam store due to the Epic takeover.

Streamers are also returning to Fall Guys

While Fall Guys still shortly after the release 2 years ago hundred thousands players had, these fell loudly steamcharts very quickly and reached their lowest point in April of this year. But in the last few weeks they have increased rapidly again. The same trend can also be seen on Twitch. In the last seven days looked according to that twitchtracker average tight 80 thousand People watch their favorite streamers play. However, this number is still far from the original hype.

We got the reason for the sudden drop in players shortly after the release back then in our test from 2020 already worked out. The fun gameplay simply lacked scope. But what about today, has anything improved? The short answer is yes.
