Sunday question: What is the best game from the first half of 2022? [Ergebnis] – News

Sunday question: What is the best game from the first half of 2022? [Ergebnis] - News


The first six months of game releases in 2022 are behind us. Which title is on track to be your game of the year?

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update with the result:

Elden ring was able to secure the more than clear first place with 39 percent of the votes, achieved with 16 percent of the votes Horizon – Forbidden West second place, followed by elex 3 with 6 percent.

Original text:
It’s still a while before the usual round of awards for the games of the year, but who’s stopping you from now calling out the best games of the 2022 half-year? What new title in the last six months have you enjoyed the most or blown away the most?

Vote for your favorites in the poll below and this will reveal the most popular top games of the year so far. The biggest hype title of the year is the acclaimed Elden Ring, but will it be the clear winner? If you choose “Other,” be sure to let us know in the comments which major second-tier release, indie hit, or underdog you think deserves the crown.

You can vote for the Sunday question until Monday at 09:00 – if you change your mind, you can still log in another answer until then. We will then close the survey and present you with the resulting opinion a little later in the form of a news update. Do you have ideas for a Sunday question? Then send a PM to Hagen. You can also post suggestions in the comments, which improves discoverability enormously if the word “suggestion” also appears in the comment. The link to the overview of the more than 200 previous Sunday questions can be found below under “Sources”.