Lost Ark: Update today does not bring the bug fix everyone is waiting for – but 4 hours server down

Lost Ark bringt heute Bugfixes und neue EU-Server – Alles zur Wartung und dem Server down

Today, August 10th, Lost Ark is getting its weekly update. While it’s focused on bug fixes this week, it won’t fix the Powerpass bug. Here at MeinMMO we explain what you can expect this week.

What’s in the update? In fact, don’t expect much from today’s weekly update. Fixed a display bug with Artilleryman and Shadowhunter runes and a bug that displayed a lock icon on unlocked inventory slots. There’s nothing more for you this week.

What is actually more exciting in the update is what is not in it. There is still no fix for the broken power passes. You have not been able to use these for 3 weeks now, which is making the players slowly getting impatient.

The patch notes note that Amazon apologizes for the lack of functionality and also for the fact that the passes are still switched off. We would like to share more information about this “as soon as we are able”.

What is disabled? It is currently not possible for you to use power passes. It doesn’t matter what passport it is or what source it comes from. The purchased passes don’t work, just like the ones you get as a gift for completing the story.

Keyword gets a gift: The function to give other players something via the real money shop is currently not active and will also remain switched off with today’s update.

If it rains in your mood, the new Aeromancer has an umbrella ready for you:

Lost Ark Aeromancer Gameplay

Lost Ark will be offline for 4 hours today, August 10th

How long is the server status offline? As usual, the update starts at 9:00 a.m. German time. From this point on, the game servers will go offline and will remain down for an estimated 4 hours this week.

So if everything goes according to plan, the servers should be back online by 1 p.m., opening the gates to Arkesia for you, just without power passes. We’ll keep you updated on any changes in this article and will update it once the servers are back online.

Since this week’s update is only a small one, the download in Steam should also be comparatively small.

“If I were a new player, I would be gone by now”

How is the community reacting? She’s been really annoyed so far. The news that the power passes will remain offline spread like wildfire on reddit and triggered heated discussions. Many players are demanding that the passes should be reactivated, at least for old accounts, since they would be “safe” from bots.

Still others are thinking primarily of the new players, since the power passes are an important mechanism to unlock new and returning players, which has simply not worked for almost 3 weeks now.

In a reddit thread on the subject exchange the people we would like to let have their say here:

  • FantasticBreakfast46 says: “It’s crazy that this hasn’t been possible for 3 weeks. If I was a new player or coming back because of the event […] I’d be gone by now.”
  • Ticklemuffins is also annoyed: “It’s so ridiculous to do an event from Gearscore 1,302 and leave the power pass that gets you there turned off for most of the event. I hope we get at least some good compensation for that.”
  • kirtar takes it with humor: “I’ll be equally amused and annoyed if they don’t fix this by next week.”
  • SolomonRed writes, “Turning off the power passes was more detrimental to the game itself than letting the bots take advantage of them.”

What do you think? Are you also eagerly awaiting the power passes? Or do you not care at all? Write it to us in the comments here at MeinMMO.

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