Crunchyroll Expo 2022: These tips are given by pros to cosplay beginners

Crunchyroll Expo 2022: These tips are given by pros to cosplay beginners

As you may have already noticed, PlayCentral was at the Crunchyroll Expo 2022 (CRX) in San Jose, California to welcome you all kinds of exciting articles to be able to deliver. After we last you already 4 tips to start cosplaying shared, there’s more advice to come today!

How did we get these useful cosplay tips?

But now you’re probably wondering how we even got hold of so many different tips. We roamed the exhibition grounds and have talked to different cosplayers and they asked us each good advice to write down for cosplay beginners.

The result is a small collection, which of course we don’t want to withhold from you. Our conversation partners definitely had an idea of ​​the subject, because there were also among them some true professionals. Among other things, we have bat.bones.cos, blakeda_wolfiecos, fabrickind, Knovic cosplay and Victoria from Valkyrjur Sisters helped. Thanks very much!

Plan for the best, anticipate the worst

A tip that we received more often was that cosplay beginners should definitely pay attention to the budget. This ties in with a piece of advice already touched on in our previous article on the subject. you should yourselves think carefully beforehandhow much money you want to invest. The following applies: Plan for the best, but expect the worst!

Although there are already large shops or shops specializing in cosplay, there have to be not always be expensive products, which can advance your costume. Sometimes you can find what you still need, even in small local shops. Keep an eye out for such “hidden treasures” open.

Always watch your cosplay budget carefully ©2017 REKI KAWAHARA/KADOKAWA CORPORATION AMW/SAO-A Project

For some cosplays you will need armor. For example, think of characters like Geralt von Rivia from the “The Witcher” series, the “Goblin Slayer” or characters from the “Fate” franchise. Such work can be intimidating, as Viktoria explained to us at the CRX, but don’t let that put you off. There are all kinds of things online useful tutorialswho can help you.

Another thing directly related to your costume is wearing a wig. Such can help you to get even closer to the look of your selected character. A useful utensil to protect both the wig and your real hair, is a wig cap. These are relatively cheap to get and definitely one worthwhile investment.

Don’t go to a photo shoot alone

In addition, we also received a few Photo shoot tips: Before presenting your finished cosplay, you should make a few different poses rehearse. Maybe there are iconic poses that your character is known for? If not, think of something that might suit your character. Also, there’s no harm in getting something to deal with photographysuch as composition and exposure.

Arrange a photo shoot beforehand or take your friends © PlayCentral

A tip that we have heard several times, be it in conversations with various cosplayers or also as part of a panel, is that you should not go to a photo shoot alone! Especially if you are working with someone for this for the first time, it is advisable to have one person of trust to say beforehand when you will be where.

Furthermore, you should not be afraid to “No” to say if you ever feel uncomfortable in a situation. Sometimes it can happen that the photographers want to correct your posture and they touch you for it. Talk about it beforehand so that everything is in order.

Have fun with your cosplay!

Finally, we come to the presumably most important tipwhich was also given to us by various cosplayers at Crunchyroll Expo 2022 for beginners: Have fun! Cosplay is for everyone regardless of age, looks or gender.

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You do this for yourself because you want to and not because you have to prove something to anyone. Besides, you should don’t compare too much to others, as Paige (Knovice Cosplay) advised us. There is always someone who has a better cosplay. Don’t let that discourage you.

On the contrary: get tips from these people, how you can improve your next project. In short: Don’t be afraid to take the first step on this path. Have confidence and do it exactly as you see fit. Then the cosplay fun comes all by itself.