Gamescom insider tips from the editors – That’s what the PCGH editors say about it

Gamescom insider tips from the editors - That's what the PCGH editors say about it

from Raphael Voetter
The editors of PC Games Hardware comment on current events or developments in the world of PC hardware, the IT industry, games, technology or entertainment. Read the truly personal opinions of the PCGH editors today on “Gamescom Insider Tips from the PCGH Editors”

The “Internal editorial” format gives you an insight into the editorial team far away from a webcam, magazine column or videos. Each PCGH editor gives their personal commentary on a topical issue here. We not only cover the whole world of PC hardware, but also games including current console titles, films and technology in general – which influences our daily life in a variety of ways. Redaktion Intern appears regularly at the weekend. The topic this time:

Gamescom insider tips from the PCGH editors:

Background: Gamescom insider tips

Calendar week 34 was all about Gamescom. The world’s largest games fair actually takes place in Germany, in case you didn’t already know. After a two-year pandemic break – who actually said that Sars-CoV-2 aka Corona is gone? – the PCGH team also made the pilgrimage to Cologne with a large number of men and women to examine the latest game hits there. In fact, at this year’s Gamescom, numerous trailers for popular games and upcoming new releases could be examined, although there were no big hits or real surprises in terms of hardware or software. In the hype that still existed, some titles were certainly lost, because traditionally the big publishers drum the loudest for their works. Three potentially interesting new announcements on Steam, some of which will also appear on GOG and the Epic Games Store, are Killer Klowns from Outer Space: The Game, The Outlast Trials and the mythological action-adventure Blacktail. We won’t know until the release whether these are actually insider tips – the titles mentioned certainly look interesting. You can read bluntly in the picture gallery what the PCGH team found at Gamescom and what their insider tips look like. And what do you think of that, dear readers? Discuss with us!