Cyberpunk 2077: Cat Nibbles can now also be placed on photos

Cyberpunk 2077: Cat Nibbles can now also be placed on photos

from Sarah Petzold
Who needs powerful guns when you can have a cat? Cyberpunk 2077 fans can also place the cat Nibbles as a character in photos with the latest update of the game to version 1.6. We explain how this works.

We didn’t just know that cats are the true rulers of the internet since the birth of Grumpy Cat. Studies have shown that pictures of cats lift the spirits of those who look at them. It is therefore not surprising that after the release of the latest update for Cyberpunk 2077, one new feature in particular has won the hearts of fans, namely the possibility of using the cat Nibbles as a special bonus in the game’s photo mode.

Cat style photobombing

The cat Nibbles is one of the few animals that can be found in Night City at all. Players have been able to adopt her for a while, but she’s only been in photo mode since the new version 1.6 of Cyberpunk 2077 available.

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In order to be able to adopt Nibbles, you must first have completed the quest “Playing for Time” (the first main mission in the second act of the RPG). Then follow these steps to find the cat:

  • Exit V’s apartment and bear left. Then walk along the corridor to a junction where you turn right.
  • There, look for a garbage can with the “feed cat” data splitter.
  • Get a batch of cat food from a retailer and fill up the food bowl that’s on the floor next to the garbage can.
  • Go back to V’s apartment and go to sleep.
  • Go back to the food bowl. Nibbles should now be there, eating the food offered.
  • Interact with Nibbles to tease them. From then on, Nibbles lives in V’s apartment.

In order for Nibbles to appear in the pictures you take in Cyberpunk 2077 photo mode, you need to change the character to Nibbles in the settings and set the character to “visible”. If you want V and Nibbles to appear together in a photo, you should pose V first and then the cat.

Source: PC gamers