Project U: Video for Ubisoft’s new co-op game leaked

Ubisoft Project U Leak

Ubisoft can hardly keep up with the current projects and nevertheless is a new game appeared, which is also under development. A Reddit users called just4leaks2 has a video too Project U released. You can find out what this is all about in this post.

Project U playtester video leaked

The leaked video is about a game that apparently for some years is in development at Ubisoft. The published material seems original for game testers to have been admitted. It will only short impressions of the game self shown. Most of the time, stakeholders inform testers about where and when to provide feedback.

the people in the video are instrumental in the development of Project U: Creative Director Damien Kieken and producer Karl Luhe give some general information about the game. Concept artist Carmen Carballo and community developers Timo Wang elaborates on the feedback loop that is important to the testers.

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Leak: What is known about Project U?

The game, which is codenamed Project U, appears co-op game to be. According to the developers, it is still in one early stage. The game excerpts graphically already give a lot.

The leaker apparently has a few Info from the developers which he shares on Reddit in his post:

“From what the developers have told me so far, it doesn’t sound like a battle royale game to me. They said they don’t know yet if the game will be free-2-play as it’s still in an early stage of development.”

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The video lets you Fortnite-like look suspect, both graphically and playfully. According to the developers in the video, Project U relies on that cooperation of the players.

Maybe that’s why the developers state that it’s not a battle royal.

“U stands for unite, as you will quickly discover. If you want to assert yourself in the game, you have to team up with others. We have been working passionately on this project for several years, with which we want to do something different in the co-op shooter genre.”

on official info we’ll probably have to wait a little longer for the game. Looking forward to more details on Project U? Write it to us in the Comments!