Wartales: Big expansion Gosenberg added // Trailer – News

Wartales: Big expansion Gosenberg added // Trailer - News

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The medieval tactical RPG currently in Steam Early Access Wartales will be released on December 1st, 2022 for the PC and now has with the capital Gosenberg received a free major content update that, according to the developers, should offer around 20 hours of fun.

Wartales is not only popular with many players, as evidenced by the 250,000 units sold to date, but also GamersGlobal editor-in-chief Jorg Langer has already considered the “mix of story campaign and sandbox” with a Jörgspielt. But also GG users Vampiro is looking forward to “excellent tactical battles and joy in crafting” at Wartales, which he attested to the tactical role-playing game in his game check.

The makers promise challenging missions that can only be mastered with the right tactical combination of thugs, archers and rangers. For this, the mercenaries receive new combat skills. The mercenaries should gain more fame over the Great Tournament by putting their competitors out of action. Medieval purses are filled with contracts that promise large bounties. But the numerous puzzles from Gosenberg should also breathe life into the new content.

After this news, the release trailer for the capital Gosenberg offers you a first insight into what is happening in the game there.
