RIP Final Fantasy VII Battle Royale, game dead after one year

RIP Final Fantasy VII Battle Royale, game dead after one year

Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier is a battle royale game set in the universe of Final Fantasy VII. But that Free 2 Play Game for mobile devices is now officially discontinued. It didn’t take a whole year for this message to be sent through the channels of Square Enix was announced.

Those responsible have confirmed that the game will be played on January 11, 2023 is closed. This means the servers will be shut down and it will no longer be possible to play.

From now on we can no ingame purchases do more. The digital currency Shinra Credits is now no longer available via microtransaction.

From the official side it says on Twitter:

“It is with a heavy heart that we announce the end of service for Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier. We will end service on January 11, 2023 at 07:00 UTC.”

According to statements, they “could not deliver the desired experience” that they would have liked to see for their fan base. According to their statements, the game is too bad. We would therefore “deserve” better.

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Why is Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier canceled?

In practice, services are like such service games always set when the User numbers not in relation to the running costs stand.

And in the case of Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier, that’s no big surprise. Because the outcry after the announcement was huge in the Final Fantasy 7 community.

The reproach: The fan-acclaimed and loved brand must “serve for a mobile battle royale game”.

Most fans didn’t like that at all. The logical consequence: a boycott the game, which is why the title apparently did not get the corresponding user numbers. The sudden end of “Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier” was therefore in sight.

With that, the “Final Fantasy 7” Battle Royale chapter would finally be ticked off. In December 2022 we will continue with this for the time being Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Are you looking forward to that? Remastered with Zack? Feel free to write it in the comments and let us share in your anticipation!