Fallout 76’s lead designer dies – fans say “he made the game good”

Fallout 76's lead designer dies - fans say "he made the game good"

On October 15, 2022, Eric “Ferret” Baudoin, the lead designer of Fallout 76 and many other games, passed away. Every RPG fan probably knows at least one of his quests. Fans mourn the loss, they see a piece of their childhood disappear with him.

Who is the lead designer? Ferret Baudoin, whose real name is Eric, has been a senior designer at Bethesda since 2012. There he most recently worked as lead designer for Fallout 76 and the upcoming Starfield.

His area of ​​responsibility mainly included the design of quests, which tell the story in role-playing games. He took on most of Fallout 76’s post-launch responsibilities, and his work has garnered praise from players, particularly in the Wastelanders update, which is considered a major turning point for the game.

“He worked on so many games I grew up with”

Baudoin has previously worked at BioWare, Obsidian, Black Isle Studios and Cyberlore. Some of his best-known work includes story and quest designs by:

  • Fallout 4
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2
  • Dragon Age: Origins
  • Dragon Age II
  • Dragon Age: Inquisition
  • Neverwinter Nights 2

The response from fans of the games has been tremendous. Especially Baudoin’s work on Fallout 76 is considered to be the reason why the game was finally considered good after the initially extremely negative response.

Many gamers grew up with games like Dragon Age. His former colleagues also mourn him. According to Fallout 76’s former project lead, Jeff Gardiner on twitter:

I am devastated. Ferret Baudoin took over as lead designer for Fallout 76 with Wastelanders. An eternal optimist and a good friend. We’ve had lunch together several times since I left Bethesda. He is much regretted.

Jeff Gardiner, former Project Lead

Baudoin is the only person Gardiner knows who has role-played more than he has.

Kenneth Vigue, who Baudoin worked with on the Fallout For Hope charity, shared reddit announced that Baudoin had died from complications of a cancer operation. Death came unexpectedly.

Baudoin’s death was followed by a fundraiser for his bereaved. Above BuyMeACoffee Fans can donate money to help the late designer’s children go to college. Anyone who doesn’t feel comfortable with direct donations but still wants to help, according to Vigue, can also donate to the American Cancer Society in Baudoin’s name.

Vigue and Fallout For Hope are currently planning a tribute video for Baudoin, organizing obituaries in Fallout 76, and planning to host an obituary at the Fallout 25th Anniversary cosplay event on October 22nd.
