John Wick: AAA game title in the pipeline – News

John Wick: AAA game title in the pipeline - News

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That John Wick-The universe around the seemingly invincible hitman of the same name is constantly growing. Not only will the fourth feature film in the series start in cinemas from March 24, 2023, in a few days the production of will also begin ballerinaa spin-off with Ana de Armas In the main role. Also, a prequel series titled is scheduled for March 2023 The Continental announced that the streaming service from Amazon Prime should start.

In addition, the film studio responsible, Lionsgate, is toying with the idea of ​​a major video game based on the John Wick action franchise, as the studio’s CEO has said John Feltheimer recently revealed in a conference call with investors. The following words were spoken:

I don’t want to get ahead of myself here, but we believe that a great AAA game can be made of John Wick. We got suggestions. We’re definitely interested in moving that forward, but I don’t want to say more at this point.

If you want to start playing with this message right away, you can do so with the indie title and tactical action game John Wick Hex already doing which in a GG test of Rudiger Steidele was able to get a decent rating. You can also watch a trailer for the upcoming movie.