Fortnite is planning the longest live event to date for the end of Chapter 3 – What is Epic up to in the 40 minutes?

Fortnite Fracture Live Event Ending

Fortnite will have a live event soon, but not just any. It should be the longest event in the history of the BR shooter. Here you can find out why the event lasts 40 minutes and what you can expect.

How long is the Chapter 3 Live Event? The Season 4 Chapter 3 live event starts on December 3rd at 10:00 p.m. German time. Players can enter matchmaking up to 30 minutes before the start of the event. You can secure a place and form special teams with other players.

After that, the event goes until 10:40 p.m. and ends the 3rd chapter. So you will be in the live event for a total of 40 minutes and experience things that herald the new chapter. Live events from Epic Games usually run for a maximum of 20 minutes, so what is probably the biggest event? We’ll show you.

Here’s what you need to know about the Chapter 3 Season 4 event

Fortnite Fracture Live Event Ending
A chaotic picture full of destruction

What is happening in Fortnite? In Fortnite, the Shattered event begins on December 3rd, ending the shortest chapter in Battle Royale history. After four seasons, the island is slowly being swallowed up by the harbinger’s chrome and tornadoes finish off the residents. As always, chaos is in the foreground before the end of a chapter, as the event image from Epic Games suggests.

The map is hit by countless tornadoes that even tear whole pieces out of the island. You can even see parts of the amusement park from Season 3. It is clear that the island will not survive the event. So it is conceivable that you will experience the live event through cutscenes and playable elements.

Epic Games has used this in the past to bring the story closer to players. In addition, there is an even higher power behind the harbinger, namely the “nothing”. So it’s very likely that the developers have a lot to show to make the transition to a new map seem plausible.

The map was also simply turned upside down at the end of Chapter 2 after an alien invasion, but this time the situation is more complicated and may require more time for players to understand the connections. So 40 minutes wouldn’t be that long.

Why is Chapter 3 ending so early? There could be many reasons for this. hypex, a well-known Fortnite leaker, already lists all possible innovations for Chapter 4. You can expect the following:

  • Creative Mode 2.0
  • New cosmetic item type (Apparel)
  • flying animals as vehicles
  • First person mode
  • motorcycles

Probably the most important feature is the creative mode 2.0. Epic Games started expanding and improving it with Chapter 2, but didn’t manage to finish it. However, as you know Epic, each chapter begins with major expansions and game innovations for the BR shooter.

In Chapter 2 it was swimming and fishing, in Chapter 3 it was sprinting and especially parkour. With Chapter 4, the creative mode 2.0, as well as the first-person mode, could be the core features that players can expect.

Such huge innovations have never been implemented in the middle of a chapter. So it’s very likely that Epic Games has many innovations ready, but can’t wait 6 more seasons to release them. Chapter 3 could thus have served as a so-called gap filler to bridge the time until the team is finished with the projects.

That was all the information about the live event in Fortnite, what do you think of the fact that the chapter ends so quickly? Is it good or will you miss the map? Let’s find out in the comments!