Players Are Comparing Nemona From Pokemon Scarlet And Violet To Goku

Players Are Comparing Nemona From Pokemon Scarlet And Violet To Goku, GamersRD

The main rival in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, Nemona has become a fan-favorite character, and one of her personality traits is trending her on Twitter comparing her to Goku from Dragon Ball Z.

Players have been enjoying the open-world exploration that was introduced by Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, along with the games’ ninth generation of creatures. Nemona is trending on Twitter thanks to his intense desire to battle just like Goku from Dragon Ball Z.

Some rival Pokemon can be annoying, and there are gamers who aren’t big fans of Nemona either, but Scarlet and Violet’s battle-hungry trainer is still garnering plenty of fans’ attention.

Twitter user amphajack via Game Rant Compare both characters’ desire for a good fight, even if they lose. Meanwhile, mainmanguy posted a humorous clip of Goku using his instant transmission ability to highlight Nemona’s ability to find the player as soon as he detects that they’ve gotten stronger.