Meta Quest: Federal Cartel Office allows sale of VR glasses in Germany – News

Image by Audhumbla

Image by Audhumbla

Audhumbla 12104 EXP – 18 Double Voters,R7,S2,J6
November 28, 2022 – 11:31 am — last updated 20 minutes ago

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As the Federal Cartel Office announced in a press release, an agreement has been reached with Meta. The Quest VR glasses can also be used without a Facebook account in the future. So nothing stands in the way of a release in Germany and, according to a company spokesman for Meta, is already planned for this year. The Bundeskartellamt will continue to monitor the situation.

So far it was only possible to use the Quest 2 and Pro glasses with a Facebook account, but this was viewed as critical by the Federal Cartel Office due to the cross-service processing of data and the forced linking of different services. As a result, Meta, then still Facebook, took Quest glasses from the German market in 2020. If there are no noticeable data flows between the VR area and the remaining areas of Meta, the Quest Pro will be available for the first time and the Quest 2 will be available again on the German market.