Genshin Impact: Open world hit hit soon lures with a deck of cards

Strategy and the right cards are of course required in the new card game from Genshin Impact.  But a little luck can't hurt either.  Source: HoYoverse

Card games in open-world titles are a popular pastime: just take the famous Gwent from The Witcher 3, which even got its own video game adaptation.

In the fantasy role-playing game Genshin Impact, you have not yet been able to place cards on the digital table, but that is about to change. With update 3.3, the player magnet from the Chinese developer studio HoYoverse now gets a card game in which you can soon compete in duels with Genshin Impact characters and players from all over the world.

Genshin Impact: Time for a round of GG Genius Summon!

After Update 3.2 served up the highlight of the Sumeru storyline, its patch successor is now all about the cards. The pastime called Brilliant Summoning draws gamer-loving characters from across Teyvat to the scene, and once again the spotlight is on the many colorful characters from Genshin Impact.

In the upcoming card game you have to defeat your opponent’s character cards with your character cards in order to taste the sweet victory on your tongue. In order for you to succeed, you must first put together a deck that consists of character cards as well as action cards, which in turn include equipment, event and support cards.

Strategy and the right cards are of course required in the new card game from Genshin Impact.  But a little luck can't hurt either.  Source: HoYoverse

Strategy and the right cards are of course required in the new card game from Genshin Impact. But a little luck can’t hurt either. Source: HoYoverse

Brilliant Summoning borrows elements from Genshin Impact’s real-time combat system, which is why your character cards have elemental abilities in addition to normal attacks, which of course respond to your opponent’s elements. And as befits a good card game, a few dice are also used.

Brilliant Summoning should also be tempting because of the collecting aspect: To keep your deck getting stronger, there are a lot of different cards to discover that you can buy from the merchant with Lucky Coins. You can win particularly powerful or rare cards with dynamic faceplates by beating NPCs and increasing your level.

Other innovations in update 3.3

The card madness kicks off on December 7th, when Update 3.3 enriches the world of Genshin Impact. Ingenious summoning is of course by no means the only new feature of the patch. With seasonal promotions and mini-games, there are new ways to while away the time in Teyvat and unlock limited-edition items.

The story also continues in update 3.3 – be careful, there are spoilers for previous events! Following the events surrounding the Sumeru story, the former villain Scaramouche now joins the available characters in Genshin Impact as a mysterious wanderer and invites you on an adventure to Irminsul as a 5-star hero.

He is kept company by the 4-star Faruzan, who is also known but is a new character. Both will be part of the Action Prayer and available in the first half of the new update. A meeting with the Wanderer and Faruzan is then also possible from December 7th. You can find more information about the elements and weapons of the two on the official PlayStation blog.