Now even dogs should become gamblers: A console for furry friends is in development

A game console for dogs is said to provide employment and possibly even improve cognitive abilities (Image source:

A game console for dogs is said to provide employment and possibly even improve cognitive abilities (Image source:

A game console for dogs is said to provide employment and possibly even improve cognitive abilities (Image source:

Do you want to share your favorite hobby with your favorite four-legged friend? In the future, dogs will probably also be allowed to gamble, because a games console especially for furry friends is being developed.

This is the game console for dogs

It is well known that manufacturers of pet products are quite creative, especially since “dog moms and dads” like to shop a lot for their four-legged friends. One or the other product can still surprise us – like this dog console.

In the description of the Joipaw console YouTube video, we read:

Dogs play video games on our system. This is as simple as it sounds.

In trailer we see cute furry friends playing a classic hit the mole game. They tap the mole with their nose when it shows up on the screen. At the end, another game is used, in which a small hedgehog has to be “snapped”, which this time doesn’t always appear in the same place, but scurries freely across the monitor. For successful attempts, the console then spits out a treat.

Joipaw - The video game console for four-legged friends


Joipaw – The video game console for four-legged friends

That’s how the idea came about

Like on the official site The idea came about when co-founder Dersim Avdar thought about how he could keep his own dog busy when he was home alone. He then became aware of a study. This showed that the cognitive performance of aging dogs could potentially benefit from simple touchscreen games (via axios).

The co-founder took this idea further. However, Avdar also makes it clear to Axios that the console is not a substitute for showing your four-legged friend your own attention. So it’s about extra work and brain teasers.

If you are looking for console games for two-legged friends, then you will definitely find them here:

How far is the team with the console? The console can currently be reserved on the official website, for which a fee is due that corresponds to around six euros. The reservation price should later be credited to the purchase price.

However, the Joipaw is still in development and a note warns that the final product may differ visually from the example. Whether this product appeals to you in general or you prefer to stick with classic dog toys (the good old squeaky!) is up to you.

What do you think of the dog console?