Knossi wants to sue 7 vs. Wild: joke at the expense of Stefan Raab

Knossi verklagt scherzhaft 7 vs. Wild

Knossi has one this weekend Advent stream held, to which he invited some guests. Among other things were also Starletnova and Sascha Huber doing, with whom he participated in the survival show 7 vs. Wild participated Has. When the topic comes up briefly, Knossi jokingly says that he has “7 vs. Wild” wants to sue.

This is clearly one Allusion to Stefan Raab, who warned Trymacs for an event. We’ll explain them to you connections.

Joke: Knossi wants to sue 7 vs. Wild for 500,000 euros

At the beginning of the stream on Twitter, the topic “7 vs. Wild” comes up briefly. They talk about what wild animals they have already encountered. Especially about that Crocodile at Joris Spot are all scared. What could have happened there.

Knossi himself begins by taking such risks bring about a lawsuit becomes.

“At this point again, Max and Johannes, that has an aftermath. [Ich verklage euch] to 500,000 euros. So that a show like that, which was originally my idea, doesn’t go online anymore.”

This obviously joking The intended threat of a lawsuit is clearly a dig at Stefan Raab. The reference to the sum of the penalty and the Claim a format make that clear.

Knossis Gaming PC consists of these components:

Stefan Raab warns Trymacs about ice football event

Trymacs wanted the by the end of this year kick on ice host. The concept is very reminiscent of the Ice football events by Stefan Raab remind. This one has now legal addressed to Max and his partners. The project may not be produced, carried out or advertised.

Trymacs is to pay attorneys’ fees of Pay 500,000 euros. If you want to know how the streamer reacted to it, you can see our detailed post on it.