Leaked exciting teaser trailer for the movie Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac

Teaser Trailer - Knights of the Zodiac, GamersRD

Officially announced earlier this year, we now have the first trailer and image for Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac.

Based on Masami Kurumada’s iconic Saint Seiya manga first published in 1986, the live-action film serves as an origin story centering on Seiya, a street orphan who unlocks his Cosmo. With the help of the ancient Greek armor of Pegasus, Seiya and the Order of Knights fight to protect Sienna, a reincarnated goddess.

The released image shows Seiya walking towards the ruined Shrine of Athena, foreshadowing his difficult journey ahead. The image offers a glimpse into the disorder of Athena’s residence on the outskirts of Athens, possibly before Sienna’s discovery and her enlistment into the Knight Order. While the trailer is full of scenes showing Seiya awakening the Cosmo from her, exciting action, and a scene showing an ancient battle.

From Stage 6 Films, a subsidiary of Sony Pictures, and produced by Toei Animation, sequels to the film are already in the works with a six-film package already in development to create a live-action franchise. Check out the first trailer for Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac which will hit theaters sometime in 2023.

Teaser Trailer - Knights of the Zodiac, GamersRD
