7 vs. Wild Panama: Strangers endanger project and candidates

7 vs. Wild Panama: Strangers endanger project and candidates

After already big problems on the part of the helicopter company on the team of 7 vs Wild received on the same day another danger open to the project and participants. When putting down the drybags with the objects of the participants, strangers spotted on the island. They can Great danger represent.

Strangers: Drop-off is again on the brink

On Sabrina’s spot fishermen had stayed the day before. Fortunately, these were gone on the day of the suspension. However, while the helicopters fly to the first spot, the team discovers more fishing boats. Again near Sabrina’s spot. one thing is certain: They have to go!

Of the Contact to the hacienda must be made for that lifeboat goes out and drives out the fishermen there. At the same time, the route for the suspension changed several times in order not to run into the fishermen, buy time for the boat and spare the tanks of the helicopters.

Change in flight route and order of drop off.

That also explains it Knossi’s reaction at the suspension. Sabrina was supposed to be the first out, but that had to be changed in the heli.

7 vs. Wild: Why are strangers a danger?

Fishermen and other foreigners are allowed purely legal mooring on the beaches but offer a increased security risk:

“On the one hand, the participants should get the feeling of 100 percent remoteness. […] Strangers destroy this isolation. In addition, the landing of strangers poses a high security risk. There are many people smugglers in the region who don’t particularly value the law.”

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The activity around the island was so high that a permanent solution had to. To protect the candidates and the project from other boats, a organized patrol.

To the north, a ship has stopped all people from going to the island. Some have more, others less accepted. However, the team managed to keep the shooting going could take place undisturbed.
