WoW WotLK Classic: Speedrun/Progress Rules for Ulduar from Warcraftlogs

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from Karsten Scholz
If you want your guild to compete with the rest of the World of Warcraft: Classic speedrun/progress community, you’ve always had to follow the rules of Warcraftlogs. Now the makers of the website have released a first rules update for Ulduar based on the PTR experiences.

Just recently we had about the youngest Speed ​​run record of none of the above in Naxxramas reported by WoW: Wrath of the Lich King Classic. It didn’t take 42 minutes until Kel’Thuzad was defeated on the ground. And as soon as the upcoming raid instance Ulduar opens with phase 2, the popular titan fortress in the Storm Peaks will also be on the to-do list of the professional guilds in order to set the fastest time at the end. But how do you actually qualify with your speed run/progress time? After all, there are umpteen optional bosses and hardmodes in Ulduar.

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Warcraft logs with rules update for Ulduar

As in previous Classic phases, the Warcraftlogs website will set the rules for progress/speedrun guilds in phase 2 of WotLK Classic – with those rules being determined in cooperation with the community. There Ulduar on the Public Test Server this week landed was now from Warcraftlogs a first rules update for Ulduar . Note that some of the rules are still up for discussion and may change accordingly.