Another Crab’s Treasure: Underwater Soulslike Trailer Dive

Another Crab

A new trailer crawls sideways and on six legs Another Crab’s Treasure from the sea and spotlights crunchy Soulslike action against cold-blooded crustaceans.

The second game from American indie studio Aggro Crab, previously released with going under parodied tech startups in roguelike format 2023 for the PC and the Nintendo Switch appear and sharpens its scissors for the forthcoming release. With a new promotional video for the Chinese players, you will once again be taken to the unforgiving underwater world.

Another Crab’s Treasure: Fresh Trailer Shows off Bullying Shellfish

The law of the stronger prevails there, even if the cheerful opening music gives a different impression at first. But in Another Crab’s Treasure, it’s not always the crab with the biggest claws or the toughest shell that wins, but the smartest crustacean that acts and reacts depending on the attacks and movement patterns of its predators.

He reveals which sea creatures are part of the food chain new trailers also: a hammer-wielding scoundrel hits the drums just as much as a lobster with a spear or a samurai crab with chopstick swords. They all make it very difficult for the little crawler Kril to eke out an existence on the seabed.

The industrious hermit crab really doesn’t have any outrageous ambitions: it just wants to use whatever objects it can for shelter and shelter in order to survive the all-consuming abyss that is slowly but surely plunging the ocean into its ruin. His grappling hook is also very useful in his search for new houses to slip into.

Anyone who was hoping for a deeply relaxing dive should probably go for a swim with Another Crab’s Treasure – the souls-like shouldn’t just be something for die-hard seafarers, but also for landlubbers and genre newcomers. Until the second title of Aggro Crab comes out sometime this year, you can still watch yourselves the studio’s debut game, Going Under look at.