LoL: Veterans complain about outdated reward system, mean “I spent 3 years getting Jarvan”

LoL: Veterans complain about outdated reward system, mean "I spent 3 years getting Jarvan"

League of Legends removed the account level limit in 2017. Since then it has been possible for players to increase their level through any activity in the game. This is particularly beneficial for new players, as each level-up brings a reward. However, the game’s veterans are not satisfied.

What is the status of the reward system at the moment? After a level-up, League of Legends distributes certain rewards to the players in the form of a Kaspel system.

  • Up to level 30, the players get champion shards with a level increase that corresponds to a certain value.
  • After level 30, players will receive a Champion Capsule with a random Champion Shard for each level.
  • Every 10th level, a Glorious Champion Capsule will be distributed instead of the normal Champion Capsule.
  • Likewise, every 25 levels after level 50 there are milestones with special rewards.
  • In addition, the developer distributes additional capsules for certain events, such as the Worlds.

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The reward system is aimed almost exclusively at new players

What the system offers for newcomers: This system brings nothing but good things for new players. So you can get through the rewards up to level 30 champions from all price ranges. In addition, buying champions by redeeming champion shards is significantly cheaper than buying the character normally in the shop.

This helps new players get their favorite characters from the game faster. You can exchange the champion shards for blue essences and then purchase the champion you want from the shop, or hope to snag that one champion shard from over 160 different options.

This way, new players can get enough champions quickly to take part in ranked matches or have flexible choices in the ARAM game mode.

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What do the old hands get out of this system? After Riot Games revamped the leveling system in 2017, players could continue to level up with their account. But for long-time players, this eventually lost its appeal.

This raised the question of why you would need the Champion Capsule rewards if you already own all the characters and get blue essences, the in-game currency, simply by playing.

Riot Games then reacted with the champion championships. Instead of spending the blue essence on a champion to reach mastery level 6, players could use their champion shards to do so. But you have to get it first.

So a player has to reddit wrote: “I spent 3 years trying to get Jarvan.”

Another said when asked what you can do with over 200,000 blue essences: “I can change my name every 2 weeks (via reddit)”.

Many old players want the Essence Emporium back, where specific skins for champions or wards and icons could be purchased for the account. However, Riot Games has shelved that indefinitely since the 12.12 patch.

What do you do with your remaining essences or which champion do you want to get next? Tell us in the comments.

For more updates on the latest changes to the game, check out: LoL Plans Jungle Changes – Forgotten champions may be back in focus