Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is Sequel, first trailer shows Cloud’s past

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is Sequel, first trailer shows Cloud's past

Final Fantasy 7 Remake gave the Final Fantasy fan base what they had always dreamed of. A full remake of the PS1 hit Final Fantasy 7. After the seventh part, many more entries from the franchise were released. Yet FF7 somehow managed to make a lasting impression, which is why the demand for a remake has only grown over the years.

The first remake of the seventh “Final Fantasy” game only includes the Midgar partwhile Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade new content around Yuffie and the new character Sonon brings into play.

As part of the Summer Game Fest 2022 Square Enix has held a live stream event around 15 minutes went and knew how to convince with information.

We have, among other things, the first trailer of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth see what Final Fantasy Remakt Part 2 will finally be called. Check out the one here First Look Trailer to the game!

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What is Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth about?

“Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth” is the second of three parts, it is the Middle part of the “Remake Trilogy”as Square Enix now officially confirms.

The something changed lettering around the comet leaves anticipate evil and as we know from the original, things get serious after Midgar.

But first – and this is one of the things I’m looking forward to the most – we’ll be a part of Cloud’s past fathom who reveals to his friends what Sephiroth is all about.

That means we’re seeing Cloud’s homeland Nibelheim and learning Zack know a little better. The story in the original was particularly special because we Controlling Sephiroth himself in battle could and it seems that will be the case again. Due to its outstanding strength, it was a nice foreshadowing at the time, especially as far as late-game gameplay is concerned.

We saw Zack for the first time in the remake at the end of “Final Fantasy 7 Remake”, who dem Death jumped from the shovel is. This suggests that other parts of the story will be changed. It was already hinted at in the first part and now Square Enix is ​​toying with the idea what is fact and what is fiction be. The original and the remake trilogy will merge together and create a new whole.

But not only that. The game will depend on us further around the world send. Finally, the question of where the next cut will be made remains open. So how far will part 2 go? Where do you think Square Enix is ​​putting the pause? Feel free to write it in the comments and discuss your anticipation with us! Meanwhile we jump on the Hypetrain and say full speed ahead!

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is coming to PS5 in Winter 2023.