Income 2021: key dates and when you can request your draft in 2022

2022 has arrived and it’s time to start making numbers to pay taxes. If you do not know the deadlines you have or where you should go, we will tell you.

We know that it is not the best time to talk to you about taxes in the middle of January, but it is also true that it is best to have things clear in time so that nothing catches us off guard.

If you are one of those who want to get rid of the issue of income as soon as possible, you can start filing returns online from April 6. This establishes the taxpayer’s calendar of the Tax Agency.

This is a date that extends the deadline. In an ordinary way it can be presented from June 1 to June 30 in person, but the web service will give us almost two more months to do it.

The declaration can be made by phone if we prefer. With this service we will receive help from a person who works for the Treasury, which is highly recommended for those who are not very clear about how the system works.

To do it by phone, the term is also extended, being able to do it from May 5 to June 30. Therefore, whether we do it online, by call or in person, we have plenty of time to file the return.

A couple of changes for those who have the most

This year there has been a modification that will affect those who have a fortune that many of us would love the most. If during the year 2021 your income has exceeded a certain amount, the tax is modified and the amount to be paid increases.

If your fortune has risen to the 300,000 euros, the tax will pay off with you and you will have to face a rise of 3 percentage points, leaving 47% to pay to the Treasury. If you have obtained 200,000 euros, it is taxed at 26%.

Many have obtained these amounts thanks to cryptocurrencies and we will have to be honest, because exchange companies collaborate with the Treasury.

The bank is obliged to inform the Treasury if it detects certain types of income. And we are not talking about millionaire amounts, it is enough to enter a bill of 500 euros, or more than 3,000 euros, so that the Treasury automatically receives a notice.

By last, those with a net worth of more than 10 million euros (who caught them) will see how their tax rate rises to 3.5%, 1% more than the previous year. It is another of the measures that hopes to obtain a higher collection and achieve real progressivity.

So you know, if you are one of those who have a lot, you have to pay more than other times. It sure hurts less than others.