What are you going to play this weekend? (August 7) ​​- Talking Point


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They spend another seven days in the world of Nintendo. Last week, the Streets of Rage series turned 30, Nintendo updated investors with its latest quarterly financial results, and both New Pokémon Snap Y Mario Golf: Super Rush received updates with new content. Boom!

After a busy week, it’s time to relax and discuss our weekend game plans. Some mThe Embers of the Nintendo Life team have done exactly that below, so feel free to read our posts and then join yours via our comment section. Enjoy!

Thomas Whitehead, Associate Editor

I will return to my long journey in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD, which I have thoroughly enjoyed. The Mario Golf: Super Rush update actually reminded me of the joys of Super Mario Odyssey, so maybe a new career also begins through Mario’s adventure.

Beyond that, if I find time on an upcoming day off, I’ll work the next case on The Great Ace Attorney, try to play a bit of co-op play on The Ascent, and inevitably work my way through the new content on MLB the show because my name is Thomas Whitehead and I’m addicted to baseball.
