Celebrating the fifth anniversary of No Man’s Sky



Today, Nobody’s heaven celebrates an important milestone in your ongoing journey.

5 years ago, the first travelers set foot on their first planet, gazed at their first star system, and embarked on a journey that many still continue to this day. On that day in 2016, our little team could hardly imagine what was in store for us.

The game has seen 16 major free updates to date, perhaps the biggest in 2018 when we released the next update and Xbox gamers first joined the community.

Since then, we’ve introduced pets, visual enhancements, living ships, mechs, abandoned freighters, expeditions, more varied biomes, crossover play, and much, much more.

Another big moment came in 2020 when we opened the door and saw a host of new travelers flood the universe with our Xbox Game Pass entry. Overnight, the Nexus (the game’s social hub) was flooded with players looking to connect and embark on interstellar missions together.

Nobody’s heaven Players spend hundreds of hours in the game, building bases, embarking on community missions either alone or with groups of friends, or following the path to the center of the universe. At the next-gen launch, we were pleased to welcome players with an ultra-enhanced version of that universe, as one more free update. Xbox gamers are a huge part of our ever-growing player base, and we’re proud to say that it’s one of the most welcoming communities in all of games.

It’s been a long journey for our little development team, but we still have a long way to go. The next update is never too far away. In fact, today we announced that the next update will be Frontiers, with more information coming soon.

Our journey continues.

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No Man’s Sky comes complete with the 12 major updates up to Origins, our 3.0 update that dramatically expands the universe. Inspired by the adventure and imagination we love from classic sci-fi, No Man’s Sky presents you with a galaxy to explore, filled with unique planets and life forms, and constant danger and action. In No Man’s Sky, each star is the light of a distant sun, each orbited by planets teeming with life, and you can go to whichever one you choose. Fly seamlessly from deep space to planetary surfaces, with no loading screens and no limits. In this infinite procedurally generated universe, you will discover places and creatures that no other player has seen before, and may never see again. Embark on an epic journey At the center of the galaxy is an irresistible pulse that takes you on a journey towards it to discover the true nature of the cosmos. But, when faced with hostile creatures and ferocious pirates, you will know that death comes at a cost, and survival will depend on the decisions you make on how to upgrade your ship, your weapon, and your suit. Find your own destination Your journey through No Man’s Sky is up to you. Will you be a fighter, taking advantage of the weak and taking their riches, or eliminating pirates for their rewards? The power is yours if you improve your ship in speed and weaponry. Or a merchant? Find rich resources in forgotten worlds and exploit them for the highest prices. Invest in more cargo space and you will reap great rewards. Or maybe an explorer? Go beyond the known border and discover places and things that no one has seen before. Upgrade your engines to leap further and further and beef up your suit to survive in toxic environments that would kill the unsuspecting. Share your journey The galaxy is a living place that breathes. Trade convoys travel among the stars, factions compete for territory, pirates hunt the unwary, and the police are always on the lookout. All other players live in the same galaxy and you can choose to share your discoveries with them on a map that spans known space. You may see the results of their actions as well as yours …
