Back cover: Ranking of each version of Fairy Fountain from The Legend Of Zelda


You may have noticed that we’re doing a video game music festival while the summer months are still here, but you’re also wondering why we haven’t included the biggest music of all.

Fear not! I’m here to save the day by sorting through EVERY UNIQUE VERSION OF THE LEGEND OF ZELDA FAIRY FOUNTAIN. That is correct, it is a slow news day very important use of my time, which nobody asked me to do, not even. We will start with the “worst” and move on to the “best.”

And please, before everyone goes into the comments and tells me I’m wrong: try listening (at the time of writing) to 22 different versions of the same song and come out the other side with your sanity intact. Also, tell me your ranking and we can compare our grades!

23. Fairy Queen (The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, 2002)

22. Choose your adventure (The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures, 2004)

21. Archive selection (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, 2011)

20. Lucky Lobby Ball fairy fountain (The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, 2015)

19. Fountain of the fairies (The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, 2007)

18. Fountain of the fairies (The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, 2013)

17. Archive selection (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, 2006)

16. Fountain of the fairies (Hyrule Warriors, 2014)

15. Archive selection (The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap, 2004)

14. Great Fairy Fountain (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, 2017)

13. Fountain of the fairies (The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap, 2004)

12. Fairy Fountain / File Select (The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past, 1991)
