No Man’s Sky Gets Steam Review Trade-In, 5 Years Later


Following the release of Frontiers, the recent No Man’s Sky expansion that added settlements, expanded base-building options, and more to the game, the title finally surpassed a major milestone in its redemption arc with a change to its review status from Steam, having progressed. From ‘Overwhelmingly Negative’ at the launch to ‘Mostly Positive’ today.

The turning point is a momentous occasion in No Man’s Sky’s five-year history and prompted a well-deserved emotional response from Hello Games founder Sean Murray on Twitter:

Tim Woodley, director of publications for Hello Games, spoke about the feat and what it has meant to the team working on No Man’s Sky. “In the last five years we have gone from ‘Overwhelmingly Negative’ to ‘Mostly Positive’, it’s an incredible achievement for the team. Going to ‘Mixed’, which may seem like fun to celebrate, took two years of hard work. From Mixed to Mostly Positive has taken the last three years (knowing that any little mistake along the way can result in negative reactions and negative reviews). ” Woodley said.

“In some ways, it’s easy to dismiss the criticisms from Steam, it’s a bit of a meme to share the silly ones, but as a developer, they are undeniably significant. For five years, if someone bought No Man’s Sky, they had to do so despite a symbol of red or yellow warning next to our name (and that affects the probability algorithm in charge of displaying the name in the first place) The team is really happy today to have reached this milestone, but we also owe a huge thank you to the community. the players, but also people like you who continue to support us to do this work that we enjoy. “

A change to the title’s Steam review status hasn’t been the only milestone reached by the team after the launch of Frontiers. According to Woodley, the expansion has been one of the team’s most popular to date, with the game featuring its highest number of players in recent years and the No Man’s Sky subreddit now has more than 600,000 members.

Changing the review status of a product along the No Man’s Sky line is no easy task, Woodley says. “Every percentage point becomes exponentially harder to earn as you climb the ratings. Going from 20% positive to 21% positive may only require a few hundred positive reviews, while going from 69% to 70% required 10,000 reviews. That’s why it’s so rare for games to change their all-time rating and why we assume we never could. “

No Man’s Sky – Frontiers Update Screenshots

The news of the game’s new Steam state comes along with the release of the game’s third expedition, Cartographers. As the name suggests, this latest quest for budding space travelers within the No Man’s Sky community focuses on planetary mapping and exploration. Unlike previous expansions of the game, cartographers focus on exploring a single planet, Gisto Major, where travelers are tasked with preparing a unique starship to fly in order to escape a toxic atmosphere. As with previous No Man’s Sky seasons, players will be able to earn a variety of new rewards during their expedition.

With so many players flocking back to No Man’s Sky, now might be the perfect time for beginners to don their astronaut gear and head out into the vast expanse of No Man’s Sky’s procedural universe for the first time. For more information on what’s been added to the game during its latest update, be sure to check out our full expansion rundown. Alternatively, you can check out the official trailer for Frontiers below:

Jared Moore is a freelance writer for IGN who can’t help but smile for everyone involved with No Man’s Sky. You can follow it on Twitter.
